Holistic Dental Centre
Composite white fillings

These are very good for small to medium sized fillings. They are bonded into place, removing the necessity to provide 'keys' in the tooth, thus conserving tooth tissue.

Inlays & Onlays (Composite or porcelain)

An inlay is a filling that is made in the laboratory, and then bonded into the prepared cavity. Onlays are generally used where the filling is larger and/or where cusps of the teeth are missing.

A composite inlay is made of a 'super-cured' composite by the technician in the laboratory. A ceramic inlay has real advantages if someone is allergic or sensitive to petrochemicals. However, they are very hard, and may cause abrasion of the opposing teeth in a bruxist/tooth grinder.

Ceramic inlays are made from a new category of restorative material, which provides clinical results that are superior to all currently available composite alternatives. This is our material of choice at this present time, although we continuously monitor all new materials that come on to the market.

Crowns and Bridges

Reinforced all-porcelain crowns have now been available for over ten years. They are not to be confused with porcelain bonded metal crowns which are more common, but which invariably have nickel as one of the metals within the alloy used.

Those made of a castable glass have now superseded these crowns. These have the added advantage that they can be bonded to the underlying tooth, providing a much stronger unit than merely 'gluing' a crown to a tooth.

Holistic Dental Centre

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Contact Information
Holistic Dental Centre

5 Hart House, The Hart
Farnham, Surrey GU9 7HJ

Call us today: 01252 820004

Email us: [email protected]

Opening Hours
Monday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Tuesday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm
Wednesday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Thursday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm
Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Saturday 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Holistic Dental Centre